TraceLink helps companies securely supply every global market opportunity on-time and in-full through the TraceLink Business Cloud, a cloud-based application platform that connects people, processes and information across companies and functions to form a truly collaborative business network.

With TraceLink Business Cloud, executives and users can gain the visibility, information and business collaboration they need to accurately plan global product supply to meet global customer demand while protecting products and consumers from safety threats such as counterfeiting and diversion.

More than 80 patients died from the manufacture of Heparin using unchecked raw materials from China. Counterfeit Avastin, a cancer drug with 2011 revenues of $5.5 billion, threatened patient health before it was discovered. Supply shortages of Doxil, a $500M cancer drug from J&J, was created due to a quality-related shut down of their contract manufacturing partner, resulting in a drop of sales by 80% leaving over 2,700 patients waiting for treatment.  A top-5 pharma company estimated that over $500 million in revenues were lost due to being out-of-stock for medicines. The TraceLink Business Cloud addresses life-altering issues by helping companies and executives monitor, measure, manage and perform better across external supply, manufacturing and distribution relationships.



Founder(s): Shabbir Dahod

Competency: Global Network to Connect and Collaborate with All Supply Chain Partners in the Shortest Time

Areas: Collaborative Supply Networks; Agile S&OP Collaboration; Quality Management; Inventory and Demand Forecast Visibility

Impact: A collaborative business network connecting all external supply chain partners at 1/10th the cost and with 5 times the speed of traditional approaches

Notable Projects: Tracelink Business Cloud


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