Nymity provides the next generation, multi-language accountability reporting solution allowing organizations to demonstrate compliance for any jurisdiction in the world.

In 2002, Canada was the first country in the world to legally mandate a privacy officer - that very year Nymity Inc. was founded to support that legal requirement, with the vision of supporting privacy officers around the world.  Starting with training workshops for privacy officers, Nymity discovered that privacy professionals, including privacy officers, would benefit from a structured support solution to help them understand their compliance obligations, develop and maintain a privacy program and stay informed on new compliance developments and expectations.

Over the next three years, Nymity developed and tested an innovative research methodology based on risks and controls for organizational operational activities which involve the collection, use, retention and disclosure of personal information.  Nymity privacy compliance solution, PrivaWorks®, supports privacy professionals, scalable with risk/controls based analysis functions in all jurisdictions around the world, and adapts to the unique needs of the private-sector, public-sector and health-sector.



Founder(s): Terry McQuay

Competency: Privacy and compliance

Areas: Risk/Control Analysis; Privacy and Data Protection Compliance; Accountability Solutions

Impact: Smarter knowledge access

Notable Projects: An award-winning, online research solution PrivaWorks®

Website: www.nymity.com 

Twitter: @nymity

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nymity

